Correlated Objective Music Education & Training (COMET) is a holistic system of music education pioneered by Dr. Karaikudi S. Subramanian. Imbibing the traditional gurukula methods of teaching, COMET fosters a holistic learning that integrates indigenous pedagogy with contemporary systems on a global scale. A primary principal of COMET is to allow any aspiring learner to climb up the ladder of learning at his or her own pace.
Seeking to offer an inclusive platform for learners of all levels, COMET emphasises a meticulous study of the “basics of the basics”. A novice can start with it. A professional can gain from it. It bridges gaps among professionals, fostering refinement and sensitivity in their roles as performers and scholars. Beyond its educational aims, COMET facilitates personal and professional growth. It fosters a deep appreciation for music among enthusiasts.
COMET, as I see it, is based on modern insights into the psychology of creative processes and music making, on a thorough reflection of the fundamentals of Indian music and raga structures, an intelligent way of using notations and graphic tools, and a carefully designed syllabus to lead students from the very beginnings to higher performance levels. And, COMET works.
Prof. Hans Neuhoff
Cologne University of Music and Dance
This interdisciplinary approach in music strives to cultivate a deeper appreciation among traditional practitioners for the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, while also fostering opportunities for innovative and meaningful interactions.
The essence of COMET lies in harnessing the full potential of music by exploring universal musical principles that correlates with various disciplines. This approach allows students to discover their own unique strengths and experiences, fostering individualized learning journeys at their own pace. By providing a comprehensive foundation, COMET establishes a broader base to bring out excellence in any individual.
In essence, COMET aims to provide each learner with the tools to uncover their inherent strengths and talents. This methodology transcends stylistic boundaries and addresses intricate aspects within the realm of South Indian music. By doing so, learners can located themselves within a particular tradition while also embracing broader musical horizons, free from the constraints of any singular tradition.
1. Scientific understanding of the principles of music, musical instruments, breathing control (yoga), voice production, musical aesthetics, the ability to transcribe music in its several dimensions, linguistic capabilities and a historical awareness.
2. Exploration of chants to stabilize breathing, to focus on the tonal centers within the body and as a charging device through repetitions.
3. Meaningful interactions with other music cultures as an exercise to understand the essence of one’s own tradition through comparison and contrast.
4. Training in musical transcription at the prescriptive and descriptive levels using the svarasthana notation as well as the graphic notation called “Emotional Graphic Representation” invented by Dr. Karaikudi S. Subramanian.
Correlated: The principles and practices of Karnatak music are correlated to various musical styles within both Indian and global contexts, as well as across other art forms, educational domains, and complementary therapeutic applications.
Objective: The principles of Karnatak music are systematically taught in a step-by-step manner, enabling learners to transcend stylistic, linguistic, and other limitations in musical performance, instrumental learning, and improvisation. This approach fosters a holistic understanding of music, allowing learners to specialize with disambiguity and focus.
Music Education: COMET encompasses a comprehensive graded curriculum, spanning from kindergarten through quality-oriented higher education, culminating in self-directed learning, research, and interdisciplinary applications of music.